Our team is ready to assist you throughout the entire new playground process, from understanding your vision through project completion. Use the guide below to learn more about what you can expect during each step of the planning process or, if you're ready to start planning your dream playground, complete this form and our team will get back to you soon!

Your Vision
- Understand the goals for your new space
- Ask guided questions that address key project needs using our Playground Considerations page
- Answer any of your initial project questions or concerns
- Summarize key learnings
and overall project objectives

- Present initial equipment options
and layout choices - Discuss initial pricing estimates and timelines
- Answer any questions and collect feedback on the designs
- Note any adjustments to be incorporated into the final designs

Design Approval &
Equipment Selection
- Present the final designs and equipment options in the form of
2D and 3D layouts - Answer any questions or make any final adjustments
- Confrim final pricing and project timelines
- Place the equipment order

- Help you understand what to expect for the upcoming delivery of your equipment
- Ensure your location is ready to receive your equipment
- Ensure the proper equipment and resources are available at the time of delivery
- Connect with you in the days leading up to delivery to ensure success

- Help you understand what to expect during installation
- Ensure your site is ready for our installation team
- Answer any questions about the installation process or timeline
- Answer any site or project-specific questions the install team may have

- Ensure all aspects of your new space meet your expectations
- REalize the tremendous difference your new space is going to make
- Officially open your new space and enjoy all the smiles, laughter and fun everyone is having!